Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do you have synesthesia ??

I still to remember when I was schoolgirl, I asked my friends about the colors of figures , because I have been feeling that the figures have diffrent colors in my imagination. For example, 1 has a blue color, 5 has a red color, and 4 has a green color , but when I said this to my friends, they laughed a lot and said ," what is this ? Are you crazy!"
One of our teachers heard us. She said to me ," you love drawing and colors,so you merged everything with colors !."

however, I read in a newspaper 1 year ago about" Synesthesia". This phenomenon is joined sensation . "It refers to an involuntary physical experience in which the stimulation of one sense modality reliably causes an additional perception in a different sense or senses" .such us, sound , if you hear number 1 , you will imagin 1 has blue color . this is mixing between hearing and vision. I saw that in cartoon movie .when, there was bad smell , author of cartoon movie made this smell by a green color - I think the author has synesthesia.

Another finding is that most of artists have synesthesia, specialty those who use abstract of art. They depend on their imagination and that put the colors that they feel on their painting. Not just artists ,also, women have synesthesia more than men. In addtion heredity factor , so you can find this phenomenon in same family .

Finally , I understood . "Synesthesia" that way, I imagine every thing has diffrent colors. It is a case very enjoyable and help me a lot in my paintings.

1 comment:

  1. Jameelh,

    Very interesting to think about. A a society, we ofte do feel that there is a certain prescribed way to see the world, and anything outside these boundaries is "crazy." I often wonder how different people perceive the same color. Is there any way to really know?
